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Template for homologation Test Report:
technical writing


Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor


1. Introduction
This report details the homologation testing performed
on the Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor (Model: [Insert Model Number]),
including its USB charging cord and storage case.
The testing ensures compliance with [Specify relevant standards, e.g.,
IEC 60601-1-2:2015 (Electromagnetic Compatibility),
IEC 60601-1-11:2015 (Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 1-11:
Requirements for safety in the medical electrical equipment environment),
relevant regional regulations such as FCC, CE, etc.].
The instruction manual was reviewed for clarity and completeness.

2. Device Description
The Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor is a
[Describe device function and intended use, e.g., non-invasive,
oscillometric device for measuring systolic and diastolic blood pressure
and pulse rate in adults]. It includes:
Main Unit: [Describe physical characteristics, e.g., dimensions, weight, material,
display type].
USB Charging Cord: [Describe specifications, e.g., length, connector types,
voltage, current].
Storage Case: [Describe material and dimensions].
Instruction Manual: [Specify language(s) and number of pages].

3. Test Methodology
The following tests were conducted according to the specified standards:
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): [List specific tests performed, e.g.,
radiated emissions, conducted emissions, immunity to electrostatic discharge (ESD), immunity to electromagnetic fields].
Testing was performed by [Name of accredited testing laboratory]
using equipment calibrated to [Traceability statement].

Safety: [List specific tests performed, e.g., insulation resistance,
earth leakage current, dielectric strength, patient leakage current].
Testing was conducted according to [Specify standard and method].

Accuracy and Precision: [Describe the methodology used to verify accuracy
and precision against a reference device.
Include details on sample size and statistical analysis].
Instruction Manual Review: The instruction manual was reviewed for clarity,
completeness, and accuracy of information regarding operation, maintenance,
and safety precautions. [Note any deficiencies or required revisions].

4. Test Results
EMC: All EMC tests passed within the specified limits.
[Include tables summarizing test results with pass/fail indicators
and measured values]. Detailed test data is attached in Appendix A.
Safety: All safety tests passed within the specified limits.
[Include tables summarizing test results with pass/fail indicators
and measured values]. Detailed test data is attached in Appendix B.
Accuracy and Precision: The device demonstrated accuracy within
[Specify acceptable range] and precision within [Specify acceptable range].
[Include statistical analysis results].
Instruction Manual Review: The instruction manual was found to be
[State overall assessment, e.g., acceptable, requires minor revisions,
requires major revisions]. Specific comments are detailed in Appendix C.

5. Conclusion
The Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor (Model: [Insert Model Number]),
including its accessories and instruction manual,
successfully passed all required homologation tests.
[State whether any corrective actions are required before final approval].
The device is deemed compliant with [List all relevant standards and regulations].

6. Appendices
Appendix A: Detailed EMC Test Data Appendix B: Detailed Safety Test Data Appendix C: Instruction Manual Review Comments
Prepared By: [Name, Title, Date]
Approved By: [Name, Title, Date]


Note: This is an example.
You need to replace the bracketed information with the specific details
of your device and testing results.
The specific standards and tests required will vary depending
on the region and intended market.
Consult relevant regulatory bodies for the most up-to-date requirements.

Brick / Cihla / Kирпич?


How much does a brick cost?
This task is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Kolik stojí cihla?
Tento úkol není tak snadný, jak by se na první pohled mohlo zdát.

Сколько стоит кирпич?
Эта задача не так проста, как может показаться на первый взгляд.

(ISO code 3166-1)

CZE 15Kč/ USA 13Kč/ RUS 10Kč
USA $0,6/ RUS $0,5/ CZE $0,7
RUS 38₽/ USA 45₽/ CZE 52₽

Сколько кирпичей можно купить на среднюю зарплату RUS= 1480 шт.

Kolik cihel si můžu koupit z průměrného platu: CZE= 2260 ks.

How many bricks can I buy with an average salary: USA= 7520 pcs.

(80% lidí na průměrný plat nedosáhne,80% людей не достигают средней зарплаты, 80% of people do not reach the average salary).

But that doesn't mean the price of the house yet:
$430 000/ CZE $282 000/ RUS $114 000

Ale to ještě neznamená cenu domu:
USA 9 460 000Kč/ CZE 6 200 000 Kč/
RUS 2 500 000 Kč

Но это все еще не означает цену дома:
USA 33 120 000₽/ CZE 24 800 000₽/ RUS 11 000 000₽/



CBDC - not making progress?



Efforts to introduce a digital currency that will somehow co-exist or, eventually, one day replace the classical fiat currency bring more problems than solutions. Certainly in most countries it is not even in the stadium of introduction but rather in the stage of designing, preliminary calculations, and considerations.

In the United States, some senators such as Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Mike Braun, as well as some states such as North Carolina, Florida, are strongly opposed to centralized digital currency, and some states are directly promoting and implementing a legal ban by testing, not to mention introducing CBDC.

Of course, other countries in the world are also considering the digitization of their national currency. China is the furthest in this direction with RMB, but even there it encounters considerable difficulties: How to connect CBDC to the SWIFT system, how to automate payments, joint operation and interchangeability with standard circulation and how to solve the issue of infrastructure, HW+SW. In addition, you also have to charge the digital wallet somehow, after all, as the normal payment by transfer between accounts is different in the case of classic currency, no cash is transferred anywhere... However, what effects the operation of e-CNY and others will have remains to be seen, because they are also critical voices warning against the possibility of political abuse - "obedience credits",
or a time limit on the currency's validity.

Under these circumstances, the idea of introducing a digital Euro is somewhat unclear. Proponents cite positives such as currency stability and payment security, opponents point to the exact opposite - volatility, inflation and, last but not least, the possibility of hacking. There are arguments on both sides. Several projects have been proposed, all are in the prototyping and modeling phase of the ECB in cooperation with selected research entities.

But even so, the situation is still difficult, there are too many unclear factors at play, such as liquidity risks, lending and, last but not least, market interventions by large corporations from the outside.

And this is not to mention that for the implementation of the CBDC, extensive legislation will have to be proposed and approved, implementation schemes and standards defined and adopted anyway.




Šachová hra je stejně přitažlivá jak pro začátečníky tak i pro velmistry,
a z hlediska lidské psychologie poskytuje takřka nekonečné množství námětů
k studování i k zábavě. Poučení lze najít i v partii hráče s Elo ratingem 600, samozřejmě i v partii velmistra co má rating o 2000 bodů vyšší...

Nadpis je trochu nadnesený, protože v šachu nejsem kdovíjak silný hráč - když mám náladu, potrápím i KM, a když ne, prohraji i s Elo 1700, nijak moc se tím nezbývám, tahám co mně napadne; a s těmi talenty to také není tak jisté...

Tuhle jsem měl možnost hrát městský přebor sk. F kde nejde ani o znečištěné trenky. Proti mně měl nastoupit hráč ve věku: 4 let.
Doma jsem trénoval dámský gambit, tak jsem se i těšil jak to rozbalím, s kým budu hrát - to mně bylo jedno.

Kupodivu protestovala kapitánka našeho týmu:
„A já jsem proti tomu, aby děti hrály na soutěži dospělých!“

Záhy jí bylo vysvětleno, že se jedná o geniální dítě jednoho velmistra,
a že klučík potřebuje jen fackovacího panáka, který mu odevzdá body,
poté co ho génius "zmasakruje", aby měl svůj první rating...

Tak to nějak prošlo. Hošík byl navíc velmi drobné tělesné konstrukce,
takže za stolem ani nebyl vidět, ale o to víc byl slyšet, protože s dvěma staršími kamarády tak 9 a 13 let si prozpěvovali furt dokola nějakou stupidní francouzskou říkanku „gromiňur, gromiňur...“ a bubnovali přitom do stolu.

Rozhodčí je napomenul, že toto u partie dělat nesmí.
Trochu se zklidnili a začalo se hrát.

Vyfasoval jsem černé
1.d4 - d5, 2.c4 a na šachovnici byl dámský gambit, jenže jak jsem se to učil, tak nějak spíše za bílého, co má dělat černý - ouvej - jsem nedával pozor a bylo zle.

Klučík hrál bleskově, hodiny si vždycky párkrát tikly, zatímco já jsem marně přemýšlel co s tím. Záhy jsem ztratil jednoho pěšce a v 13. tahu už i druhého
a stál jsem na prohru. Kluk hrál jak robot, masakr se tedy naplňoval.
No to bude ostuda, prohrát s kojencem!

Tu mně zbytky rozumu neopustily a zahrál jsem jakési hloupé -h6?, kojenec si jen pohrdavě odfrknul a pokračoval v smrtícím útoku, tak jsem přidal ještě hloupější -a5??. To už se i jeho sekundanti od partie odvrátili, nuuuda,
co s takovým salátem, ten je hotovej.

Jenže hošík se zasekl. To byl můj plán. Najednou nazupaná teorie skončila
a teď musel pokračovat samostatně. Z pohodlné dálnice teoretických pouček přímo do džungle, kde vás může cokoliv smrtelně štípnout, ať jste génius anebo ne, takže bílá dáma jde dopředu s popěvkem
„gromiňur gromiňur, je ne ne pasjón...“


Šachuje černý střelec odtahem pěšce - a hrůzo - pěšec přitom napadá bílou dámu!
Pobledlý kluk zastavuje hodiny, podepisujeme si partiáře.
Konec je dřív než byl začátek.
Sekundanti přibíhají „no ty seš ale...!!“
Do toho nejstaršímu z děcek zvoní mobil.

Tatík velmistr kontroluje vývoj hry:
„Tak jak to vypadá?“
„Už je po něm...“
„Výborně a co to bylo?“
„Přišel o dámu...“
„Výborně, skvělé!“
„Ne, to Pavlík přišel o dámu...“

Řev z telefonu je slyšet i při vypnutém telefonu...

Dál už vcelku nemám co na práci, tak potichu kroužím po sále a pozoruji jak se rozehrávají partie ostatních hráčů. Kluci jsou na chodbě, očekávají odvoz,
kdyby nemrzlo, věřím, že by asi utekli do lesa, protože...

Za 20 minut dorazí tatík velmistr a začne na chodbě kluka řezat řemenem, kravál, pláč, ryk, panika, i nebylo lze spomoci, celé utkání muselo přerušeno býti a 10 lidí tahá nešťastné dítě od běsnícího otce a obráceně...

Nakonec se podařilo je všecky nacpat do auta, ale ještě při odjezdu je vidět jak velmistr pouští volant a jednou rukou pohlavkuje talenta na zadním sedadle.

Co dodat? Snad jen, že svoje ambice byste neměli přenášet na nikoho jiného
a že děti by neměly hrát na soutěži dospělých.




PROMOTION (určeno pro Česko, napsat to v angličtině není možné)😂


Jak se dělá obchod?

Já jsem pro nikdy zákazníkovi nelhat,
vždy vše vysvětlit pravdivě, s plusy i s mínusy.
Nejhorší je pákování klienta, nějakými slevovými akcemi, či jinými podobnými závazky: "Když si u nás vyřídíte kartu, tak po dvaceti nákupech dostanete slevu 9,- Kč a můžete si za to pak koupit plyšáka za třistapade..."
Tohle není vtip,
přesně to je moje osobní zkušenost s jedním hyper-duper-marketem.

Takže jak na to:

„Vážený zákazníku, toto lou-endový kladívko stojí jen 50 korun...
Moc to teda nevydrží, ručka se může zlomit a když se nezlomí, tak ta hlava nedrží a stejně se uvolňuje a občas někoho vymlaskne mezi ušama...
Já bych si to vzal na opravu toho mostu v množství větším než velkém,
protože kolik toho napadá do Labe, ani nemluvit, že.
A už to vidím v živých barvách:
Ťuk a - břink: "Frantóóó, ty vrahu, já ti ten kerner vrazím do...!"
Na stavbě prostě musí být sranda.

Dále tu mám kladívko za 250 Kč, to už něco vydrží, takový kutilský i profesní standard. Hlava je z klasické uhlíkové oceli 19103, rukojeť z kvalitního sušeného dubu. Normálně se s tím pracuje a nikdo nenadává.

No a nakonec mohu nabídnout háj-endový superspešl kladivo za 5000 Kč.
Hlava je vykována z wolframové nástrojové oceli napařené titanem ve vakuu, ergoš ručka je z kevlaru, navíc opatřená antišokovým nárazníkem, plus jako bonus laserové navádění mezi uši...“

Klient si koupil co potřeboval a spokojenost byla oboustranná.

Tak se dělá obchod.




Are we in danger due to artificial intelligence?

Philosophical reasoning

There are many articles on the topic and this one aims to look at the issue from a different angle.

We are certainly still too far from taking a serious interest in Isaac Asimov's three robotic laws. On the other hand, to say that there are no threats would not also be right. But the whole approach is, form my point of view, somewhat misleading, even naive. The very name of artificial intelligence is also misleading, because yet we do not have a clear definition for natural intelligence, so how can we measure AI with it? The name is therefore quite exaggerated, although, it can be said for now, because the development is still moving forward.

The differences are huge, while self-learning is possible and managed in some narrow areas, with self-awareness it will still run on a very, very long track. The basic concept of concern is that in the future AI may acquire such a level of development that it overcomes a man in the crucial aspects of his personality, and therefore can have and carry out its own intentions, and if the intentions of AI are not compatible with the intentions of humanity, humanity may be eradicated. This idea is logical, real and there is nothing wrong with it.

But to answer the question, however, we must go back in to the past.
The human spirit has been researching since ancient times, and the will for knowledge bears fruits. These fruits of knowledge are both delicious and deadly poisonous, there is no neutrality in inventions, because gradually we were able to attribute not only benefit but also death to each technology. Whoever starts the chain of causes and effects does not care at all what will be at the end. If Marie Curie-Skłodowska could have seen into the future Hiroshima and Nagasaki shortly after nuclear bombing and saw heaps of howling burnt half-dead people, would she have continued the research with such an effort, enthusiasm and joy?

It can be argued here that someone would have discovered radioactivity anyway, yes, but as A. Einstein wrote - the later the better...

The same applies and will apply to the subsequent development of autotelic (self-controlling) systems, robots and AI. These are all just tools and nothing comes out of the tools yet. However, the risk does not arise from technology, but lies in the human morality and ethics that lags so far behind the technology that it is not even visible. Concerns about whether software or robot can have defects so that it derail and start destruction are empty. Such robots can be intentionally designed for this, which is already happening. Is there a risk of losing control, or a total blackout? And what if not? Then we'll do it! Are there any safeguards against the misuse of anything? When graviton processing is discovered, will only a gravitonic power plant be built, or gravity bombs first? Everyone involved in this process is afraid of it, but everyone continues cheerfully...

If AI turns against people, it's only because people want this. The only real threat to humanity that arises from AI is - as usual - man himself. The most probable scenario of how it all turns out was described by Stanisław Lem in his excellent book Peace on Earth as early as 1984, (published 1987) I recommend reading it!

The deep message from a tribal leader somewhere in Africa is also worth thinking. When he learned about the horrors of the First World War, he said:
Too bad that Europeans aren't on the same level as cannibals are - if they were, they would only kill as many people as they could eat!"

Kenneth T. Bainbridge, shortly after Trinity nuclear test:
"Now we are all sons of bitches..."




STAINLESS STEEL 1.4541 "Pressure gauge"
Technical article

CHROME NICKEL austenitic stabilized heat-resistant steel
ISO X6CrNiTi 18-10, AISI 321, GOST 06 (08.09) Ch18N10T, ČSN 17246 (-7, -8).
It is supplied as sheets, strips, tubes, profiles, tracks, polished bars, forgings.

Content of elements:
Cr 17-19%, Ni 9-12%, Ti 0.4-0.7%, Mn <2%, Si <1%, C <0.08%

Tensile strength Rm 520 - 720 N / mm2, Yield strength Yp 0.2 min. 200 N/ mm2
Elongation A80 = min. 40%. (Strength values depend on the state of processing).
Solution annealing at 1000 -1100 °C, forming at 900-1200 °C, PWHT at 920 °C.
Non-magnetic, non-hardenable, tends to harden when cold drawn, cut or
machined under inappropriately selected conditions, partly due to the presence
of titanium carbonitrides

Mechanical strengthening is mainly caused by the change from austenite
to post-deformation martensite, which increases strength, reduces ductility and can cause weak magnetization. Hot forging and heat treatment cannot improve the strength and hardness properties, this can only be done by cold forging.
The addition of Ti serves to prevent from detrimental CrC (
Cr3C2, Cr7C3 , etc.) by the formation of TiC and thus it gets resistance to ICG up to temperatures of 650 °C.

Experiments carried out in the practice have shown that this grade is extremely susceptible to ICG, especially after contact with iron oxides (autogenous spraying, grinding sparks). Decomposes on heating under carburization.
In contact with hydrocarbons, paints, at the annealing temperature it burns without almost residue.

For hydraulic applications, it is necessary to know the composition and aggressiveness of the medium. Adherence to an interpass temperature of 150-200 °C is desirable, air cooling is recommended. Polishability is average.
It conducts heat poorly, first it is cold and then it overheats again, it deforms considerably if cooling is poor.

Main advantages and uses:
It resists corrosion relatively well in industrial atmospheres, alkalies and weaker
acids.Due to its toughness and plasticity is an excellent option for pressure
vessels, heat exchanger pipes, hydraulic lines, boiler bodies, tanks, reservoirs,
temperature applications from 300 to 620 °C. This grade of stainless steel
is widely used reliable material but under proper procedures, handling and
processing. After all, it applies to all stainless steels that they must be chosen
judiciously with respect to the conditions in which they are expected to serve.




Tuber formation in cacti and succulents

Science news

The etiology of tuberization is still unclear, despite the explicit synergy of several
phytohormonal agents, inhibitors and promoters. As one of the substances
having a significant effect on the genesis of tubers, we indicate jasmonic acid,
which is chemically 3-oxo-2- (2´-cis-pentenyl) cyclopentane-1-acetic acid.
This acid and its derivatives in 4 known stereoisomers are easily isomerized
or incorporates into various conjugates with glucose and amino acids.
It causes the maturation and aging of various plant segments, along with another derivative: [3-oxo-2- (5´-hydroxy-2´-cis-pentenyl) cyclopentane-1-acetic acid], referred to as tuberonic acid, which results in the formation of tuber production, swelling of radices or shoots, rhizogenesis, stabilization of wrapping attachments, etc. Other tuberizing agents is a group of poly-amines on the putrescine - spermidine route (decrease - increase) with a significantly stimulating effect of somatic embryogenesis and an anti-stress effect.
Coumarin or daminozide also have a positive effect, and the size of the leaf area
is also not negligible. External influences are applied as low temperatures,
photoperiods, phenophases and species specifics.

The function of tubers, caudexes is not only the deposition of nutrients and water, as the general public believes, but above all a competitive evolutionary solution in the form of the advantage of a rapid start into vegetation.




How to price your product effectively?

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The old moth is dying and tells the young ones:

"This jacket is all I have, so now you will inherit it.

And do not it eat up for a week...!"

"Darling, would you die for me?"

"No - because there has to be someone else who needs me!"